
| 写作指导 |


第1篇: 考研英语应用文之信写作指导


《全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语考试大纲》写作部分做了内容扩充,即在保留短文写作的情况下,加考一篇应用文(包括私人或公务信函、备忘录、摘要、报告等)。迄今为止,应用文已经出现了五次(— 年),每次均以书信形式出现。今天将对推荐信写作进行讲解和说明。

A letter of Recommendation(推荐信)



1. I take pleasure in recommending to you sb.

2. I am of the opinion that sb. is qualified to do / for sth

3. I strongly recommend sb. to one’s application.

4. I know sb. to have been a promising student/employee of intelligence and ability.

5. I have found sb. to be a hard-working person. Who has made some outstanding achievements/success/ accomplishments/ fulfillment.

6. I consider sb. a very dedicated professional. He would be highly eligible to fill the position.

7. I feel very safe in recommending sb. to you.

8. sb. passed with honors in a subject.

9. It will be greatly appreciated if you could give sb. a chance to do sth.

10. Not only I myself but also my colleagues shall deem it a great favor if you could give sb.assistance / guidance.



You have taught Zhou Jie for two years. Write a letter of recommendation for Zhou Jie to

1) state your relationship with Zhou,

2) introduce Zhou’s academic achievements,

3) introduce his language proficiency,

4) introduce his sports and social activities,

5) Express your sincere recommendation.

You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need to write the address.

Jan. 30th,

To Whom It May Concern,

It is indeed a pleasure for me to write this letter of recommendation for Zhou Jie, a student of mine for the past two years in Peking University. During his four years study in our university, he has distinguished himself in this university, and shows great potential for future accomplishments.

Zhou is in the Math & Physics Enrichment Program of our university. His achievements in all his subjects place him among the top five percent of students in the grade.

Zhou is equally strong in language. His English proficiency has reached the level of CET 6.

Finally, Zhou is a model student. He is captain of the school basketball team, and a member of several student organizations.

In conclusion, Zhou is one of the most gifted students I have had the pleasure to teach. He is most deserving of any opportunity you can give to him.

Very truly yours,

Li Ming

Dean of Computer Science Department

(162 words)

第2篇: 考研英语应用文之信写作指导







信函一般都是由写信时间,信内地址,称呼,信的主要内容和信尾几个主要部分组成。收信人地址要写在左上角,寄信人地址要写在右上角,寄信人地址也可以不写。姓名写在地址上面。地址排列顺序依次为门牌号、街区名、城市和国名。在信的开头人名前一定要加Mr.,Mrs.,Dear等比较尊敬的称呼。信的结尾注意使用常用的客套话如:sincerely yours,faithfully yours或者yours sincerely,yours faithfully。英文书信写作要遵循五个原则,即正确、清晰、简洁、礼貌和体贴。






第3篇: 考研英语应用文之信写作指导


UNIT Ⅰ 文体类型

一 信函





1 内容明确,不可漫无目标;

2 言辞诚恳、坦然,不能感情夸张;

3 语言清晰、简洁、有礼。


二 备忘录



1 信笺上端的公司名称、地址、电话号码等:一般只包括公司名称,地址可以省略;

2 信头包括:To, From, Subject和Date等措词。To后面接收件人姓名、职务等;From后面接备忘录写作者的姓名(注意作者姓名前面不用Dr., Miss, Mr., Ms。之类的称呼);Subject后是备忘录主要内容的概括性小标题;Date后写日期;

3 正文段落:主题下面空两行写正文,不用称呼和结尾礼词;

4 作者姓名首字母写在正文末行空一行的地方;

功能:1 提供会议摘要;2 为主管人员与职员之间的交流提供更便捷的渠道;3 确认电话交流或会面内容。

三 告示与通知


四 便条

便条是一种简短信函,形式比书信简单,多使用非正式文体。内容可包括:时间、收信人、事由、写信人。通常不写发信人地址,开头甚至可以省略Dear等称呼,结尾也可以略去祝贺的话和Yours sincerely等语言。其使用语言特点是通常情况下比一般的信函更接近口语。由于写信人和收信人对互相的情况都十分熟悉,因此一般的客套话均省略。

UNIT Ⅱ 各种信函类型

一 邀请信 (A Letter of Invitation)

邀请信包括宴会、舞会、晚餐、聚会、婚礼等各种邀请信件,形式上大体分为两种:一种为正规的格式(formal correspondence),亦称请柬;一种是非正式格式(informal correspondence),即一般的邀请信。邀请信是在形式上不如请柬那样正规,但也是很考究。书写时应注意:

邀请信一定要将邀请的时间(年、月、日、钟点)、地点、场合写清楚,不能使接信人存在任何疑虑。例如:“I’d like you and Bob to come to Luncheon next Friday. ”这句话中所指的是哪个星期五并不明确,所以应加上具体日期“I’d like you and Bob to come to luncheon next Friday, May the fifth.”


1 邀请朋友共进午餐 Inviting a friend to informal luncheon

2 邀请朋友同他们不认识的人一起共进晚餐 Inviting friends to supper with the strangers

3 邀请参加新厂开工典礼 Invitation to opening ceremony of new factory

4 邀请来家中小住及周末聚会 An invitation for a house and weekend party

5 邀请参加招待会 An invitation for a reception

6 邀请演讲 Inviting someone to address a meeting




You are going to celebrate your 23rd birthday with a big party. Write a letter to invite your friend Anne to the party. In the letter, please specify the time and the location, explain the activities, and express your wish for her attendance。

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead。

Do not write the address。


Dear Anne,

I wonder if there is any chance for your to come to my 23rd birthday party at my house on this Saturday night, May the 8th. It would be my pleasure to share the important moments with you. In addition, since you are a fan of rock music, I am glad to tell you that I have invited our campus Rock"n"Roll band, the “Brainbreak”, to perform. There are also arrangements for dancing and cake-cutting, which I am sure you will thoroughly enjoy,考研英语《考研英语作文冲刺:应用文写作指导》。

The dinner starts at 6 pm so that we can have a nice and long evening。

I would love for you to attend, so please let me know your decision。


Li Ming









fan: n. 歌迷,影迷,爱好者

rock music, Rock"n"Roll: 摇滚音乐

arrangement: n. 安排

cake-cutting: n. 切蛋糕

thoroughly: adv. 十分地,彻底地

presence: n. 出席,到场


I wonder if there is any chance for your to come to.。.

It would be my pleasure to share the important moments with you。

I am glad to tell you that.。.

There are also arrangements for ... which I am sure you will thoroughly enjoy。

The dinner starts at ... so that we can have a nice and long evening。

I would love for you to attend, so please let me know your decision。



1 接受邀请的复信中应重复写上邀请信中的某些内容,如邀请年、月、日,星期几、几点钟等,如“I’ll be delighted to attend your luncheon next Friday, May the fifth, at twelve o’clock.”。

2 邀请信的复信中应明确表明接受邀请还是不接受邀请,不能含乎其词,如不能写“I’ll come if I’m in town. ”这类的话,以使得对方无法作出安排。在接受邀请的复信中,应对受到邀请表示高兴。谢却的复信中应阐明不能应邀的原由。

二 申请信 (A Letter of Application)



提示:1 语言言简意赅,语气诚恳礼貌;

2 要避免不符合事实的浮夸;

3 如果是留学申请和奖学金申请,要注意提供以下信息:写明申请学校和专业,简介个人履历,索取对方学校相关信息,附上个人经历等材料。


Being a volunteer for the Beijing Olympic Games is your strong wish. Write a letter to the Beijing Olympic Committee to state your application to be a volunteer, describe your qualifications, and express the appreciation of an interview。

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead。

Do not write the address。

第4篇: 考研英语应用文之信写作指导

考研英语 应用文写作模板(建议信)

建议信 1



1. 说明建议的内容;

2. 提出建议的原因;

3. 指出采纳建议的益处。


Suppose one of your friends is going on aself?tour in your hometown. Write a letter in about 100 words to make asuggestion to him/her. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter,using Li Ming instead.


Dear Mary,

Glad to hear from you. You have made a rightdecision to travel in my hometown, Sichuanbecause it is a place with picturesque scenery.

Self?tour is always my favorite, too, as itgives me more freedom to choose the beauty spots and arrange the tour. To you,a camping?lover, I highly recommend the IceMountain in Songpan County.First, you can directly go there by bus from Chengdu or Mianyang. The accommodation inSongpan is very convenient since there are quite a lot of private hotels withclean rooms at low price. Then you can hire a guide who will prepare a horse, atent and some other things for you. After that, you will visit the beautiful sceneryon horseback by following the guide during the day and enjoy camping at night.My journey there last July has really brought me great pleasure andunforgettable memory.

Wish you a happy tour.

Yours ever,

Li Ming





Suppose one of your friends is going to takethe CET?6 and asks you for suggestions on    how to make preparation. Write a letter inabout 100 words to him/her. Do not sign your own name at the end of yourletter, using Li Ming instead.


Dear Helen,

What a surprise it is that you are going totake this June’s CET?6 since you are only a freshman in Fudan University!Anyway, your courage and efforts are worth praise.

To get fully prepared for the test, I think,you need to first enlarge your vocabulary, which is the basis of all parts.Second, you need more exercises, especially exercises of reading comprehension,in order to improve your test skills. Then you should practise writing constantly.You can e?mail your compositions to me and I will correct them for you in time.

In a word, every effort is rewarding. I amlooking forward to your success.

Best wishes.


Li Ming


