
| 英语作文 |




The New Year is coming, and we should keep up with the end of the year. Before the Spring Festival, I was still thinking about the good old days.

Always remember, la month 29th, in the Spring Festival, people wearing beautiful clothes, and had already posted outside good red couplets, firecrackers on through the night, people to the other party to send good wishes for the New Year. On this evening, people will also cook New Year"s food and eat rice cakes.

The New Year"s meal is rich, with golden chickens and delicious dishes, and lots and lots of delicacies. The most important thing to do is to cook a plate of good dishes. He was prepared for us to eat the meal happily for all of us.

In the evening, I set off fireworks on the balcony with my sister, mother, father and brother. There are so many kinds of fireworks, there are ”snowflakes“, ”light flowers“ etc... I reluctantly took the ”snow“, fire with fire, clicks, ”snow“ from the balcony into the sky, and then slowly to the ground, yellow red and white... The colours of the sky flashed in the sky. Far away, it was like a flower in the world. Then I picked up an unknown firework. In the basin, the fuse was lit, a puff of tobacco came out of the people, and then there was a thumping of the sound of a shooting star, and then it disappeared. It has a lot of shapes, a little bit of a triangle, a little bit of a star, a lot of different sizes, and it"s pretty beautiful in the air.

The New Year"s bell tolled, so we had a New Year"s dawn.


Tomorrow is the Spring Festival, I am very happy, thinking about eating delicious food, fragrant snacks, but also get a lot of lucky old money, I grew more happy, that night I was excited all night did not sleep, my mind is full of food Dessert, lucky old money, and that nice new clothes ...

Spring Festival morning, I first jumped up from the bed, full of energy, activities, bones, and then happily called my parents, my father see me so early, not far behind, from the bed turned up and climbed up , Mother and sister also gradually get up, wash your face brush finished teeth, thought is to eat a happy! I thought to eat, I am busy, busy to my parents to do this to do that, my mother is my home chef, so what is the decision by her referee, my mother said: “long time did not eat dumplings, and some dumplings ”We all agree very much.

Decided to do what later, we will work on the division, my father to do meat, my mother kneading, my sister and boil water. We are very strong to dry up, less than half an hour, meat stuffing well, dumplings are also good, and the water is booming. My mother will be skilled to wrap up the dumplings, my sister and I also learn to wrap up, I finally pack three, exhausted, really hard to learn ah! My mother said: “I will naturally do ah, do not eat bitter, hard to learn, how can learn it?” I listened a little ashamed, they learned a lesson, re-raised sail, wrapped up, Faster. This makes me understand the truth: what should be hard to learn.

After twenty minutes, rubbing the surface has all been made of dumplings, my sister and I have been burning water in the pot. Mother put the dumplings into the pot, cook it up. My mother in the middle also added some seasoning, make dumplings more delicious, about touched for more than 10 minutes, my mother put the dumplings up, divided into four bowls, in each bowl also put some soup. My mother just get a good soup, I grab a bowl of relish to eat a happy! Because we eat too fast, the tongue is burning, we all eat mouthful of oil, they happily to see the wonderful TV show.

Ah, really a happy Spring Festival ah!


Spring Festival is our Chinese New Year, so it is very important for our Chinese people! Therefore, preparation before the Spring Festival is also essential.

The New Year! The New Year! Every family is busy with the Spring Festival couplets, shaving hair, making New Year"s eve dinner... There are too many things to do, and there are too many ”rules“! Some of the customs are quite strange, but I ask my mother who is on the Spring Festival couplets.

I saw mother stick to ”f“ word backwards, I do know why to stick, stick backwards" f "word is a kind of custom," f "(show" f "down (to)! But I still ask, ”what customs and rules are there for the Spring Festival?“ My mother stopped her work and patiently talked to me.

Originally, there was a custom of setting off firecrackers in the past year, which came from the story of nian. A long time ago, there was a ”nian“, which lived deep under the sea, and on New Year"s eve, the sea was full of evildoers. After one year an old man fired a cannon, dressed in red, and put on the red spring couplets to drive away the ”nian“, which was calm, the method has since spread. But now we don"t have fireworks in guangzhou, so we"re not going to do that anymore.

New Year"s eve is very important to our country. This evening, my family was going to eat the reunion dinner.

Eating New Year"s eve is the most joyful time of the Spring Festival. On the eve of the great year, the feast was filled with a table, and the family gathered around the table to eat the reunion dinner. People is both enjoy a full table delicacies, and enjoy the joy of the atmosphere, there are chickens, geese, burning meat on the table, etc., generally without two things, one is the hot pot, is a fish. Hot pot is hot and hot. ”Fish“ and ”yu“ sounds like ”more than one year“. The last sweet, the blessings of the future sweet honey.

Today is too big, I know a lot of the knowledge of the Chinese New Year customs, but I feel a little superstitious, but it was a pleasure, as long as happy, why not superstitions? What is more, it is a traditional custom, and it is better to believe that it is not believable.


I am a countryman, and the Spring Festival is the biggest festival for me.

Home this Spring Festival I went back to my father and mother and grandma together, just to my grandma"s only listen to the sound of ”pa, pa, pa“ the sound of firecrackers, entered the house after I said to my grandmother "grandma, why should put much more noisy firecrackers? ”then my grandmother told me that setting off firecrackers is a custom, said master for visitors," oh, originally the small set off firecrackers also has knowledge greatly, "I don"t the sighs. Then I learned a lot from my grandmother, for example. At the end of the month, every household in the country will kill pigs, make glutinous rice cakes, mobean skin, make rice cakes, and make New Year"s goods

You know, every New Year"s day a few days ago, families are in cleaning, affix Spring Festival couplets, until, on the morning of the lunar New Year, must be up early to make dumplings, dumplings will to put as COINS into the dumplings, said in the New Year prosperous, making a fortune.

After the beginning of the second year, people will go to the New Year with the Spring Festival. In general, the year of the New Year will come back, since the 15th day of the first month is the Lantern Festival.

The Spring Festival is the most fervent, the most accurate day, every time the Spring Festival, I will be quiet in the joy.


As soon as we get to the end of the year, the children of adults are busy with their work. It is an indispensable project. Or do it yourself, and write down the harvest of the year and the hope of the next year. Students, speaking of Spring Festival couplets, there is a story! Spring couplets, which originated from the peach character, first appeared in the zhou dynasty, and were a rectangular peach door on both sides of the door. It is said that peach does not have the function of ghost and exorcism. Because the evil spirits of the world are afraid of the “god"s tea” and the “depression”, so the folk are carved into their shape in peach-wood, and they are put to their own door to ward off evil spirits. Later, people carved the names of two gods on the peach-board, believing that it would also be possible to ward off evil spirits. This type of peach plate is called a “peach”. In the five dynasties, people began to write on the peach. Once, houzhu of later shu shu of the monarchy in the New Year"s eve to bachelor"s writing on the peach wood charms against evil board, because can"t see the bachelor"s written content, houzhu of later shu simply his writing “title every year about yuqing, changchun. This led to the first Chinese couplets.

Often go home to see, go home to see, the wanton also need to return home to reunite with the family, eat the annual dinner that the parents carefully prepared. In the old days, people called it New Year"s eve. This meal should be eaten slowly, until late at night.

Watching the wonderful program of the Spring Festival gala, the hot pot of hot pot, listening to the sounds of firecrackers outside the window, the family enjoying the happiness of the family. At this time, children are most happy that their elders will send lucky money. This is said to have been done during the wei and jin dynasties. The lucky money is also known as ”the money of the year“ and ”the money of the money“ because of the homonym of the year, the lucky money can hold the evil spirits and keep the children in peace and the New Year.

During the Spring Festival, we need to visit relatives and friends. Relatives and friends gather together, eat rich wine, bless each other, seek common development. The activity continued until the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month.


The Spring Festival is coming, my mood also is not to be happy, I like the Spring Festival, like the Chinese traditional festivals, every year the Spring Festival is the most important festival in China, the whole family reunion, renewing it really is a happy thing.

Everyone was jubilant and full of spirit. Shopping came in an endless stream, some are buying New Year pictures, some are buying necessities and some sit around the stove fire box to watch TV, there are people playing mahjong playing poker, and so on.

Anyway the street is colorful, all kinds of people have, all kinds of goods are complete, linlang is beautiful, people are afraid to want to buy what is difficult to choose!

Before the Spring Festival, all the houses were brightly lit and the houses were all dressed in a unique style, each with its own personality. They put all their purchases in the land. Buy the New Year picture how to stick to law, that each has its own style and liking. Some of them are on the stick, some are upside down, others are crooked and they are all different. People have been able to get all the food they have bought, and they will be able to fill their mouths when the Spring Festival comes. Families with firecrackers, people wear new clothes, preparing New Year, before the Spring Festival, people go out, if met good friends, always mouth don"t forget to say: “the streets!”

People kill pigs and slaughter sheep and are busy preparing for the Spring Festival.

When the Spring Festival arrived, the children got up early, went to their parents" room and began the traditional worship service. The children tell their parents some lucky words, the parents take out the lucky money, let the children be happy. Everyone hopes that this year will be auspicious and prosperous.

Some friends and relatives gathered together, savoring wine and food, and talking about some happy words. And the most happy is, we can take off to save money, and then happy running up the street to buy a lot of fun things, such as cars, buggies, toy guns, football, etc., and as long as our mouth sweet a bit, say more blessed penis, that can make a lot of money!

The Spring Festival is a good day for adults and children to have a good time.


Foreign friends celebrate the Spring Festival

Foreign children, in a few days, is our Chinese biggest festival -- Spring Festival. Do you want to come to China and enjoy the bustle and happiness of Spring Festival? First of all, I"ll give you a brief introduction of what we usually do during Spring Festival.

Before the Spring Festival, we ask our parents to take some money for us and our friends to go to the street, buy some things we want to buy, and go shopping for new clothes on the street with our parents. Don"t do anything at home, and play with your buddies.

On the day of the New Year, we will post couplets and post the door gods, then we will have a reunion dinner with our grandparents and uncles and aunts. The reunion dinner was also exquisite, and in our case, generally speaking, there were two or three sons, and on New Year"s eve, they began to eat in the house of their sons. My grandfather has three sons, who eat at my uncle"s house in the morning and eat in my house at noon. Eat in my uncle"s house at night. Before we eat, we will set off a long series of firecrackers and then begin to eat.

During the Chinese New Year, everyone has a smile on his face.


The bell of the New Year is about to ring, and the whole country is buzzing with excitement. People are busy returning home for the Spring Festival to reunite with loved ones. Though I didn"t go home, I experienced the celebration of Spring Festival. Staying in dongguan is a natural time to visit the flower market. After eating the New Year"s eve dinner, our family walked along the breezy path of the breeze, laughing and laughing. In the distance, the lights were blazing. We had come to the center of dongguan, where the annual flower market was being held.

Scene is very magnificent, full of red lanterns on the road, an endless stream of people going to flower market, admiring, purchase, like a gorgeous scenery, in the heart of the city bright is dazzing. We also joined the procession, looking at flowers, watching flowers, smelling flowers and buying flowers. Mother took a fancy to a pot of white gardenia, need 30 yuan, mom frowned, said: ”can you cheaper! 20 yuan, you this is not very big bowl again!“ The florist shook his head and shook his head. ”no, I"ve given you the lowest price, and we"re all out of business.“ Mom didn"t say anything. The boss thought he was not going to buy it. He was in a hurry. ”ok, ok, sell it to you for 25 yuan.“ Mother listened, hurriedly paid, and went away with the flowers. My father and I shook our heads in the back. ”the mother bought the flowers to forget us!“ Walking along, my mother took a fancy to a ball type of flower, there are many colors, my mother and I like it, but it"s too expensive.


my plan for spring festival Spring Festival is a traditional day for the Chinese people to get together besides The Mid-Autumn Day.For this reason many people rush home wherever they are.However far they are and however busy they are, they try to go

my plan for spring festival

Spring Festival is a traditional day for the Chinese people to get together besides The Mid-Autumn Day.For this reason many people rush home wherever they are.However far they are and however busy they are, they try to go home.I am one of those who hate it because after one festival, I become one year older.Another reason is that there are many more ceremonies before or after the festival.

However, this spring festive is a bit special for me. I had a wonderful time.We didn"t stay at home but had a travel and order a rich feast /dinner in a restaurant.Though it was very much expensive,We could spare much effort preparing the dinner which we couldn"t have eaten and also we could have a lot of time to enjoy ourselves.You see, nowadays, the living standard has been greatly improved,eating is not so much a problem as before,so we have to find other kind of ways to enjoy ourselves.Traveling is a good way of spending the traditional festivals.We went to Xishuangbaina,Dali,the Stone Forest...my family,especial my child are all excited, learning a lot about the Minorities" tradition.I wish one day I could go abroad to spend the festival if we could make enough money!


When the Spring Festival comes, it means the spring will come, all will be renewed, the new planting and harvesting season will begin again. People just had snow vegetation withering of the long winter, has long been looking forward to spring days, when the New Year coming, it is only natural that joy singing and dancing to welcome the holiday.

Customs in one thousand years, people make colorful celebrations are abnormal, from the 23rd day of the lunar year 30 each year, the folk this period is called ”chun“, also known as ”sweep dust day“, sweep the dust cleaning before the Spring Festival, is known as the traditional habits of our people.

Then families prepare necessities and first ten days or so, people begin to busy purchasing items, including special purchases serve fish or fowl, tea wine sauce, the north-south nuts, sugar, fruit, bait to shop is enough, to prepare some Chinese New Year when the gifts when visiting relatives and friends, children need to acquire new clothes new hat, ready to wear at New Year.

On the front door of the house, the red paper is posted on the front door of the house, which is the Spring Festival couplets written in red paper. House posted colorful auspicious New Year pictures, xinlingshouqiao girls cut out a beautiful window on the window, the door hang red lanterns or stick to everyone, and the god of wealth, goalkeeper like, everyone can also sell, passers-by a read down, that is blessing to all of these activities is to add enough festive atmosphere for the festival.

Another name for Spring Festival is the New Year. In the past, the year has been an imaginary animal that brought bad luck to people. In a result. When the trees are gone, the weeds will not grow. Year after year, everything grows, flowers everywhere. How can the years pass? The need to use firecrackers to bomb, hence have the custom of burning firecrackers, this is also a kind of another way of foil a busy scene.

Festival atmosphere is not only in families, are around the streets, and in some places in the streets and the lion dance, the dragon, on jan, flower market, temple fairs and other customs. During this period, the lanterns were full of lanterns, and the streets were full of people, and they were so busy that it was the end of the Spring Festival after the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month.


The Spring Festival is not only means the beginning of the brand-new year, but also carrying the best wish of the people’s. We are hoping in the New Year our wish will come true, our life will become better. Anyway, the most meaningful thing of the Spring Festival is that we spend the time with the family, the people we love and we know that’s all about.

When you ask the people around you, what is the most important festival in China, I guess 99% of the people will say the same answer, the Spring Festival. There is an old story about Spring Festival. It is said that the monster, named Nian, will attack people from time to time. In order to drive it away, people have to light up firecrackers and put some Red paper on the front door and window at the last day of the Chinese year. Luckily, the monster, Nian, is afraid of the sound of the firecrackers and the color red; dare not to come any more. In order to memorialize this day, our ancestors decided that the first lunar calendar day of the Chinese Year is the Spring Festival.

During the Spring Festival, all the member of the family will get together on the eve to have a big dinner. Fish, apple, noodle, dumplings, poke, chicken, candies and so on are indispensable on the table. Fish stands for wealth and rich of the coming year, apple stands for doing things smoothly, noodle stands for good health and long live, as to the others, they all symbolize for the lucky and happiness of the coming year.

Children are the happiest ones during the Spring Festival, not only they can have lots of companies but also they can have lucky money on the festival. With the lucky money, they can do whatever they want, such as to set off the firecrackers, wear new clothes, use their lucky money to buy the things they want; this is the best part of the Spring Festival, isn’t it?

The Spring Festival is not only means the beginning of the brand-new year, but also carrying the best wish of the people’s. We are hoping in the New Year our wish will come true, our life will become better. Anyway, the most meaningful thing of the Spring Festival is that we spend the time with the family, the people we love and we know that’s all about.


