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  长者立 幼勿坐 长者坐 命乃坐

  When an elder is standing, I will not sit. After an elder sits down, I sit only when I am told to do so .


  尊长前 声要低 低不闻 却非宜

  Before an elder, I will speak softly. But if my voice is too low and hard to hear, it is not appropriate.


  进必趋 退必迟 问起对 视勿移

  When meeting an elder, I will walk briskly towards him; when leaving, I will not exit in haste. When answering a question, I will look at the person who is asking me question.


  事诸父 如事父 事诸兄 如事兄

  I will serve my uncles as if I am serving my parents. I will treat my cousins as if they are my own siblings.


  第 三 章


  朝起早 夜眠迟 老易至 惜此时

  I will get up each morning before my parents; at night, I will go to bed only after my parents have gone to sleep. When I realize hat time is passing me by and cannot be urned back, and that I am getting older year by year, I will especially treasure the present moment.


  晨必盥 兼漱口 便溺回 轧洗手

  When do I get up in the morning. I will wash my face and brush my teeth. After using the toilet, I will always wash my hands.


  冠必正 纽必结 袜与履 俱紧切

  I must wear my hat straight, and make sure the hooks of my clothes are tied. My socks and shoes should also be worn neatly and correctly.


  置冠服 有定位 勿乱顿 致污秽

  I will always place my hat and clothes away in their proper places. I will not carelessly throw my clothes around, for that will get them dirty.


  衣贵洁 不贵华 上循分 下称家

  It is more important that my clothes are clean, rather than how extra vagant they are. I will wear only what is suitable for my station. At home, I will wear clothes according to my family traditions and customers.


  对饮食 勿拣择 食适可 勿过则

  When it comes to eating and drinking, I will not pick and choose my food. I will only eat the right amount; I will not over-eat.


  年方少 勿饮酒 饮酒醉 最为丑

  I am still young. I must not drink alcohol. When I am drunk, my behavior will turn ugly.


  步从容 立端正 揖深圆 拜恭敬

  I will always walk composed, with light and even steps. I will always stand up straight and tall. My bows will always be deep, with hands held in front and arms rounded. I will always pay my respect with reverence.


  勿践阈 勿跛倚 勿箕踞 勿摇髀

  I will not step on doorsills or stand leaning on one leg. I will not sit with my legs apart of sprawled out. I will not rock the lower part of my body while standing or sitting down..


  缓揭帘 勿有声 宽转弯 勿触棱

  I will always lift the curtain slowly, and quietly. I must leave myself ample space when I turn so I will not bump into a corner.


  执虚器 如执盈 入虚室 如有人

  I will hold empty containers carefully as if they were full. I will enter empty rooms as if they were occupied.


  事勿忙 忙多错 勿畏杂 勿轻略

  I will avoid doing things in a hurry, as doing things in haste will lead to many mistakes. I should not be afraid of difficult tasks, and I will not become cardless when a job is too easy.


  斗闹场 绝勿近 邪僻事 绝勿问

  I will keep away from rowdy places. I will not ask about things that are abnormal or unusual.


  将入门 问孰存 将上堂 声必扬

  When I am about to enter a main entrance, I must first ask if someone is inside. Before entering a room, I must first make myself heard, so that those inside know someone is approaching.


  人问谁 对以名 吾与我 不分明

  If someone asks who I am, I must give my name. To answer ‘it is me’ or ‘Me is not sufficient.


  用人物 须明求 倘不问 即为偷

  Before borrowing things from others, I must ask for permission. If I do not ask, it is stealing.


  借人物 及时还 后有急 借不难

  When borrowing things from others, I will return them promptly. Later, if I have an urgent need, I will not have a problem borrowing from them again.


  第 四 章


  凡出言 信为先 诈与妄 奚可焉

  When I speak, honesty is important. Deceitful words and lies must not be tolerated.


  话说多 不如少 惟其是 勿佞巧

  Rather than talking too much, it is better to speak less. I will speak only the truth, I will not twist the facts.


  奸巧语 秽污 市井气 切戒之

  I must wear my hat straight, and make sure the hooks of my clothes are tied. My socks and shoes should also be worn neatly and correctly.


  见未真 勿轻言 知未的 勿轻传

  What I have not seen with my own eyes, I will not readily tell to others. What I do not know for sure, I will not easily pass on to others.


  事非宜 勿轻诺 苟轻诺 进退错

  If I am asked to do something that is inappropriate or bad, I must not agree to it. If I do, I will be doubly wrong.


  凡道字 重且舒 勿急疾 勿模糊

  I must speak clearly and to the point. I must not talk too fast or mumble.


  彼说长 此说短 不关己 莫闲管

  Some like to talk about the good points of others, while some like to talk about the faults of others. If it is none of my business, I will not get involved.


  见人善 即思齐 纵去远 以渐跻

  When I see others do good deeds, I must think about following their example. Even though my own achievements and still far behind those of others, I am getting closer.


  见人恶 即内省 有则改 无加警

  When I see others do wrong, I must immediately reflect upon myself. If I have made the same mistake, I will correct it. If not, I will take extra care to not make the same mistake.


  唯德学 唯才艺 不如人 当自砺

  When my morals, conduct, knowledge, and skills seem not as good as those of others, I will encourage myself to be better.


  若衣服 若饮食 不如人 勿生戚

  If the clothes I wear, and the food I eat and drink are not as good as that of others, I should not be concerned.


  闻过怒 闻誉乐 损友来 益友却

  If criticism makes me angry and compliments make me happy, bad company will come my way and good friends will shy away.


  闻誉恐 闻过欣 直谅士 渐相亲

  If I am uneasy about compliments and appreciative of criticism, then sincere, understanding, and virtuous people will gradually come close to me.


  无心非 名为错 有心非 名为恶

  If any mistake I make is inadvertent, it is merely a mistake. If it is done on purpose, however, it is an evil act.


  过能改 归于无 倘掩饰 增一辜
