
| 说课稿 |




高中英语全英文说课稿 篇1

  Good afternoon, everyone, It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson withyou.The content of my lesson is Senior English for China Book1B Unit 16 Scientists at work. I’ll be ready to begin this lesson from five parts. Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the

  teaching procedure,and Blackboard design.First, let me talk about the teaching material.

  Part 1 Teaching Material:

  This unit is about science and scientists. By studying of this unit, we’ll Enable the students to know the serious attitude towards science and develop the interest in science. At the same time ,Let the students learn how to give instructions. this lesson plays an important part in the English teaching in this unit.This is an important lesson in Book One. From this lesson, it starts asking the Ss to grasp contents of each passage. Therefore, this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material. If the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit.As we all know ,reading belongs to the input during the process of the language learning. The input has great effect on output , such as speaking and writing . According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学

  大纲), after studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of children’s growing of mind,I think the teaching aims are the followings:

  1.Knowledge objects:

  a)The Ss can hear, read, and use the main sentence patterns b)The Ss can understand the content of the lesson.

  c)The Ss can use the patterns to express their thoughts in the proper situation.

  2.Ability objects:

  (1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

  (2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs.

  (3) To Improve the student’s reading ability, especially their skimming and scanning ability.

  3.Emotion or moral objects:

  a)By completing the task,the Ss increase their interest and set up self-confidence in science;

  b)Teach the Ss what is “science”, put the moral education in the language study.

  now,let’s come to the Important points and the Difficult points.

  Well, how to achieve the teaching objects better, how to stress

  the important points and break through the difficult points? As is known to us all,The modern teaching demands the teacher should improve the students’ ability. A good teaching method requires that the teacher should have the leading effects. According to the analysis of the teaching material and the students’learning background ,I will use the following methods .

  Part 2 Teaching Methods:

  In my opinion,the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Communicative” Approach(交际教学法), “Whole language

  teaching” (整体语言教学法)and “Task-based” language teaching (任务教学法). That is to say, I’ll let the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue. According to the modern social communication teaching theories(现代社会交际教学理论), I adopt the TSA method(情景教学) and TBLT method (语言任务教学)in my teaching, namely Total Situational Action and Task-based Language Teaching.The former is a “scene —

  activity” teaching method .It establishes a real scene and the interaction between the teacher and the Ss . The latter offers the Ss an opportunity to complete the tasks in which Ss use

  language to achieve a specific outcome. The activity reflects real life and learners focus on meaning, they are free to use any language they want.At the same time, I’ll make use of the modern electricity teaching equipments and all kinds of teaching means, it can develop the Ss creativity in learning English. 

高中英语全英文说课稿 篇2

  I Teaching Aims:

  1. To develop Ss’ basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Reading is the focus in this lesson. Reading skills for Ss include (predicting, skimming, scanning and digesting.)

  2. To encourage Ss to practice, participate, and co-operate in the classroom activities.

  3. To get Ss to know something about … and have a better understanding of the importance of …. As for teaching approaches, I think … II Teaching Approaches Communicative approach and Computer-Assisted Instruction are to be used in the course of this lesson. And I will try my best to limit TTT, that is, limit Teacher Talking Time and increase STT (Student Talking Time).

  So during this lesson, emphases are to be laid on:

  1. Student-centered teaching

  2. Task-based learning

  3. Activity-based teaching (individual work; pair work; group work; class work)

  III Teaching Aids:

  1. a projector

  2. a multi-media computer system

  They are for showing Ss some pictures, some audio files, some visual files, some topics or reading tasks.

  IV Teaching Procedure

  Step 1 Warming-up & lead-in Activity 1 Free talks (class work) Q1: Who do you think looks coolest in our class? Q2: Do you like him/her? Q3: If so, why? If not, why? … Download some pictures/music from the Internet. Guiding Qs may be: Q1: Who’s she/he? Q2: Do you like him/her? Q3: If so, why? If not, why? Q4: Do you think he/she is perfect? Goal: To lead up to the topic, get Ss to warm up and arouse their interest in the topic. Activity 2 Picture-talking /Music-talking (individual work) Step 2 Pre-reading Activity1 Look and guess (class work) In this activity, Ss are required to look at the title/subtitle and guess what they will read.

  the picture/… Activity2 Brain-storming (class work)

  Goal: To develop Ss’ reading skill---predicting and present some new words in the passage such as …

  Activity 1 Skimming (class work) Step 3 Reading

  Para of the article (or the first sentence or the last sentence of each Para.) Goal: To develop Ss’ reading skill --- skimming, that is, how can we get the general idea of a passage as quickly as possible. Activity 2 Scanning (group work)



  Main idea

  Detailed information

  1 a. topic sentences/introduction

  b. examples/supporting ideas

  c. conclusion

  Goal: To develop Ss’ reading skill---scanning, that is, how to find out the clue of a story and motivate Ss to cooperate with each other. Activity 3 Report (class work) Invite some group members to report their work to the whole class. Goal: To overcome Ss’ shyness and stimulate Ss to speak in public. Activity 4 Further understanding and word study (pair work) Encourage Ss to discuss the following Qs in pairs (A PowerPoint will be used here to present some blank-filling exercises and Q1: What does the word ―this‖ in the last Para? But 3 refer to? A. B. C. A. B. D. D. Q2: What is the Chinese equivalent for the phrase ―investing in loss‖? C. Q3: The word ―flawless‖ in Line 5 of Para.2 can be replaced by ___ Q4: Which of the following statements is true or not true? Goal: To help Ss to guess the meaning of certain unknown words and understand the passage exactly. multiple choices.)

  Step 4 Post-reading

  Activity1 Role-play (pair work) Suppose one student is a … and the other …. Ss are encouraged to put themselves in the situation and make a face-to-face interview. Activity2 Discussion (Group work) Topics may be: Q1: Do u want to be perfect? Q2: Do u think there is anyone in the world that is perfect? ―Remind you‖, remind yourself of what? Activity3 Poster-designing/Cartoon-designing/… (Group work) Goal: These post-reading activities are intended to develop Ss’ creative thinking and get them to know the importance of … Task 1 Write a summary of the passage (about 100 words) (Individual work) Goal: To spur Ss to consolidate what they have learned. Task 2 Look up some more information about … (Individual work) Encourage Ss to go to the school library or get on the Internet if possible to consult related English websites on the topic. Goal: To encourage Ss to study English spontaneously and independently after class, arouse Ss’ interest in traditional Chinese culture and develop Ss’ culture awareness and cross-culture communicative skills. As for my blackboard-design, since time is limited, I’d like to give a brief introduction. Step 5 Homework

高中英语说课稿 篇3

  一。 教学背景分析

  1. 单元背景分析
















  词汇:学习并使用一些与science 和scientists有关的词汇。






  三。 教学内容分析

  本单元的中心话题是science and scientists。话题依附于听力、对话、阅读与写作等语言载体中。本单元的话题内容与学生的日常学习有着密切的关系,应该说是以英语为媒体让学生表达他们对平时理化生等理科课程,特别是相关实验,所想到及感受到的内容。因此,尽管本单元的话题对学生而言有着一定的难度,但却有体现出了以学生为中心,贴近学生生活而又富有时代气息的特点。

  Warming up设计了四幅与学生的理科课程有关的图片,学生通过对日常熟悉的相干实验工具及场地的识别,展开相关学科特点与学习的讨论。同时在此基础上,要求学生们在Listening部分能熟悉某些实验室的规则及注意事项,掌握如何给予别人指导与说明,并能抓住文章的中心话题,捕捉相关细节内容,回答有关的问题。

  Speaking则是一个极富时代气息的讨论练习。要求学生们能对现在热门的尖端科技有所了解,(练习中提供了诸如Maglev train, cloning, nuclear energy, computer 与 space flight等内容)然后能就这些新的科学技术与工具进行理性的辨证的思考,既能感受到它们给我们的生活带来的巨大利益,同时也能发现其中所存在的不足与弊端,并能通过讨论、对话等形式发表自己的观点与想法。这一部分也应该是本单元写作内容的一个铺垫。

  Reading讲述的是科学家Franklin著名的风筝实验,从而证明Lighting and electricity are the same的故事。学生在理解文章的基础上,能充分感受到实验对于科学工作的"重要性及科学家是如何获得事业上的成功的。同时能落实材料中所出现的一些单词与短语的使用。

  Language Study是在本单元词汇学习的基础上,让学生进一步了解并掌握一定的构词法。主要是兼类词、一词多义现象及合成词的构成。

  Integrating skills 通过学生对科学家是否应利用动物进行实验,从而达到发明新产品现象的讨论,理性的从正反两个方面看待这一问题。同时在阅读、思考与讨论的基础上,写下一Warming up & Listening (1课时), Speaking (1课时) ,Reading (2课时), Grammar (1课时), Integrating skills(1课时)。同时本单元安排的三大任务是:


  (2)。科学家创造发明故事比赛。要求学生在课外收集国内外发明家的故事,经过整理后,能以故事、小品、对话等不同形式表演出来。在全班同学 的共同评判下选出最佳故事及选手。


高中英语说课稿 篇4



  高一英语第十五单元的话题是“play”戏剧, 整个单元的设计围绕“戏剧”展开听、说、读、写多种教学活动,内容涉及“编故事表演”、“读剧本”、“如何写剧本”等,让学生初步熟悉戏剧, 学会剧本的欣赏、写作和表演。我上的这节课本单元的第三节阅读训练课,是由法国19世纪后半期优秀的批判现实主义作家莫泊桑的短(知识目标、能力目标、德育目标)












  (1)重点:1.了解戏剧的文体特点并以此指导阅读;训练skimming, scanning, careful reading等阅读微技能;3.对戏剧深层次的理解及戏剧的欣赏,认识及分析主人公的人物特征及人物性格。

  (2)难点: 1。阅读技能的训练;2.对戏剧的欣赏及课本剧的表演。


  (1) 收音机; (2)多媒体 (3)项链



  由前面两节课编故事及表演引出戏剧和学生们所喜欢的不同戏剧类型(funny plays,serious plays or sad plays),然后通过brainstorm让学生以个人活动的方式列举出中外著名的剧作家,再通过多媒体让学生把作家、作品、国籍进行连线,以此引人法国作家莫泊桑及短剧《项链》。这样通过师生互动,激活主题,激发了学生的学习兴趣,对后面进行本文的阅读做了铺垫和准备。



  首先是Speed reading,a. skimming,让学生进行跳跃式阅读,找出本剧中三个场景涉及的人物、时间、地点、旁白及人物之间的关系,使学生较全面地了解英语戏剧体裁。b. skanning,快速默读全文,了解课文大意,为下一步找出细节作好铺垫,教师要求学生(work in pairs)给每一场景取一个标题, 以此培养他们找寻文章或段落的主题句和概括大意的技能。

  然后是careful reading ,

  a. 扫 读 :用多媒体展示针对每个场景提出的2-3个问题,,学生通过扫读来获取细节信息。在通读全文梳理文章,理解主题基础上,学生熟悉了故事内容,才能学会如何欣赏戏剧, 提高他们的鉴赏能力。

  b .朗读:让学生跟读录音,掌握正确的语音语调,从整体上把握课文结构并从中得到自己的感受。这也为下一步学生分角色朗读做好铺垫,通过分角色有感情的朗读,学生能够做到全身心的参与,学习积极性也得以充分发挥。



  在careful reading的扫读中,每个场景的2-3个问题之后给学生提出一些预测和发散性思维的问题,作一些开发创造性思维的四人一组的小组讨论,如:“Pierre为什么会接受邀请“Mathilde会借什么样的项链?“你丢失了项链,你会怎么去处理?”,学生表现出极大的兴趣和参与热情。这激发了学生的好奇心,这样既可提高口语表达能力,又可提高学生的想像能力。所以教师在课堂上巧妙地适时设问,是对学生进行多种思维的训练,学生的思维创造性也因此得到充分发挥。

  其次课文复述完之后,给学生提出更为深层次的问题:“What do you think of Pierre、Jeanne and Mathilde? Why do you think so? ”,分析主人公尤其是Mathilde的人物特征,培养学生分析能力。《项链》这

  Unit 15 The Necklace

  Guy de Maupassant Mathilde: a young lady

  (1850-1893) Pierre: A government worker, Mathilde’s husband

  Ball of Fat / My Uncle Jules Jeanne: A young lady; Mathilde’s Good friend











